After an amazing trip to Maui, we spent Christmas with my family in California. It was perfect to get the best of both worlds this year. I'll say it over and over, there is no place like home, especially during the holidays. This one was bittersweet because it will be the last we spend with my brother Chad before he goes on his mission this summer. [half my pictures were taken on my phone, hence the bad quality!]
someone got bored during the Nativity skit and resorted to video games on a phone.. busted! |
my sweetest cousin Sasha |
tea party time! |

For some reason right before I go paint balling I always get so scared! I think it's because I don't remember what it feels like to get hit and it's so suspenseful because you never know when someone is going to sneak up on you! We have a big "field" we play on with a river bank on one side and a hill on the other, with lots of trees and bushes. It makes for great places to hide but also great places to sneak up on people! I usually wind up guarding our flag which means everyone is coming straight to me! I was smart and picked to be on my brother Chad's team - way good call by me because he was always the one that got the flag. It was probably five-ten minutes into our first game before out of no come Chad comes running down the middle of the field with their flag. I have no idea how he even got to the other side so fast! Another round Mike and I were engaged in a little friendly fire when my gun broke! Terrible timing. But being the good husband he is, he didn't shoot me and just said I was out :) Mike got to our flag right as Chad got to theirs and it was a sprinting battle to the opposite ends. Unfortunately for Mike (but luckily for my team!) Chad is a stud athlete with legs for days.

yes - I am wearing a snow jacket |
The boys had fun playing with their new toy cars [if you can even call them that. they are intense.]
cutest picture ever! |
I loved just relaxing and spending time with my mom (who completely spoiled us all for Christmas, as always). Next to Mike, she truly is my best friend. I could talk and laugh with her for HOURS. I love being around her because she sets the best example of serving and being selfless. I've never seen her put herself first.
We listened to Christmas music, watched movies by the fire, enjoyed twinkling lights, thought of our Savior and drank yummy hot chocolate during one of my favorite Christmases yet. We were just missing Shelby and Trygve!
And of course it wasn't Christmas without sugar cookies and dutch babies!
looks like so much fun!! great pictures, whitney!